当研究室の研究成果をICEE2024で発表します。 Our research achievement is present in ICEE2024
Our research achievement is presented in JST New Technology Presentation Meetings
メンテナンス・レジリエンスTOKYO2022 で研究成果を発表します。
Our research achievement is presented in Maintenance &Resilience TOKYO 2022.
Preparation of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Catalyst Layer with Electrospray Deposition**
The catalyst layers of fuel cells are an important component where the electrochemical reaction takes place. The catalyst layer must have large surface area as well as high transportation property for hydrogen, oxygen, electron and ion. In general, the catalyst layer is prepared with air spray or screen printing techniques. We are trying to obtain high performance controlling the catalyst layer structure with electrospray technique, which applies high voltage to the spray nozzle to make very small catalyst/ionomer particles. Besides, we can improve catalyst utilization in manufacturing.
Hydrogen Purification and Storage Using Metal Hydride**
水素吸蔵合金は自身の1000倍の体積の水素を自身に取り込むことがてきます。 (一方,気体として水素を1/1000に圧縮するのは非常に難しいです。)現在この水素吸蔵合金を用いて水素ガス中の不純物を取り除きつつ水素を高密度で貯蔵する研究をしています。 この研究が実現すれば,一酸化炭素などの不純物を多く含む バイオマスや天然ガスから生成された水素を純化しながら貯められるカートリッジに応用できます。
Metal hydride can store hydrogen 1000 times as much as its volume. (Compressing hydrogen to 1000 atms is extremely difficult.) Our objective is storing and purifying hydrogen at the same time using metal hydride. Hydrogen derived from fossil fuel or biomass gas has a various kind of impurity which will damage fuel cells. If our idea comes true, a hydrogen cartridge which can store such hydrogen directly. That will provide improved efficiency and simplified system.